
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Oliveira Guilherme” ,找到相关结果约39270条。
The contributions of the Genome Project to the study of schistosomiasis
Zerlotini, Adhemar;Oliveira, Guilherme;
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0074-02762010000400003
Abstract: in this paper we review the impact that the availability of the schistosoma mansoni genome sequence and annotation has had on schistosomiasis research. easy access to the genomic information is important and several types of data are currently being integrated, such as proteomics, microarray and polymorphic loci. access to the genome annotation and powerful means of extracting information are major resources to the research community.
O desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas complexos na indústria aeronáutica: o caso de gest?o integrada aplicada ao programa Embraer 170
Oliveira, Luiz Guilherme de;
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-39512009000100003
Abstract: this paper is aimed at analyzing the development of complex systems in the aeronautical industry, focusing on the embraer 170 aircraft project. complex products have a common set of characteristics: i) high unitary cost, ii) high engineering intensity, iii) developed to address specific demands from consumers, and iv) require high capacity of integration of knowledge and abilities. it is important to note that the dynamics of the integrator company (which develops and assembles the final product) is founded in the logic of its own supply chain framework. furthermore, other characteristic is the high internationalization of suppliers, which are globally located. it is important to emphasize the fact that many of these suppliers are actually partners in the production and conception of the aircraft. actually, the innovative dynamics of the integrator company is related to the capacity of management of p&d, shared among the company and its partners. this research was carried through during the years of 2000 and 2001. the interviewed public was selected taking into account the integrator company's logic of production (namely: project management in the integrator and its partners).
Guilherme de Oliveira Feldens
Griot : Revista de Filosofia , 2010,
Abstract: A obra O direito dos povos fecha a trilogia de reflex es de Rawls sobre a justi a, sustentando que povos razoáveis podem conviver de maneira pacífica em um mundo justo. Seu objetivo fundamental é estudar as possibilidades de estender o conceito de justi a como eqüidade para o ambito externo denominado de Sociedade dos Povos. Elabora ideais e princípios para a política exterior de povos razoavelmente justos, instaurando um programa de direito internacional público. O presente artigo visa apresentar a importancia de sua teoria para uma sociedade internacional caracterizada pela pluralidade de doutrinas abrangentes e tentar responder as obje es tendo como base os próprios escritos de Rawls.
História da Caixa Geral de Depósitos, 1876-1910, Política e Finan as no Liberalismo Português
Guilherme D’Oliveira Martins
Análise Social , 2004,
Transporte Ferroviário de Passageiros Turísticos: o estado da arte
Guilherme Lohmann,Marcus Oscar Oliveira
Revista Turismo em Análise , 2010,
Abstract: Resumo Este artigo aborda o estado da arte da literatura sobre transporte e turismo para o transporte ferroviário de passageiros. Nele é analisado o conteúdo de 32 artigos em inglês publicados em revistas científicas. Tais artigos foram agrupados em seis grandes temas que evidenciam os enfoques mais relevantes considerados pelos seus autores. Além de agrupar e analisar este corpo bibliográfico, este artigo prop e um esquema geográfico que ilustra três desses temas considerados: as novas tecnologias ferroviárias; a competi o e integra o com o transporte aéreo; e a rela o direta entre transporte e turismo. Palavras-chave: transporte ferroviário; transporte de passageiros; transportes turísticos; estado da arte. Abstract This paper deals with the state of the art of the transport and tourism literature about rail passenger transport. It analyses the content of 32 journal articles published in English. These articles have been grouped in six broad themes that highlight the most relevant topics considered by their authors. Apart from gathering and analysing this body of literature, this article presents a geographical scheme that illustrates three of the above-mentioned themes: the new rail technology; the competition and integration with air transportation; and the direct relationship between transport and tourism. Keywords: rail transportation; transport for passengers; tourist transport; state of the art.
A ínsula e o conceito de bloco cerebral central
Ribas, Guilherme Carvalhal;Oliveira, Evandro de;
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-282X2007000100020
Abstract: the caracterization of well defined and circumscribed brain regions is particularly useful for the neurosurgical practice once it enhances the tridimensional understanding of its structures and related lesions, and because it induces the development and the utilization of more standard microneurosurgical approaches. in this direction, it is noteworthy that each cerebral hemisphere harbors an evident central core constituted externally by the insula, internally by the basal ganglia and the thalamus, and with the internal capsule within. with a biconvex configuration when seen from above, and located between the sylvian cistern and the supratentorial ventricular cavities, morphologically this central core resembles a head of each brainstem half top, covered by the neocortical mantle of its hemisphere. the central core is attached to the rest of the cerebral hemisphere by isthmi constituted by the different internal capsule fibers. anteriorly and under the anterior limiting sulcus of the insula there are fibers of the internal capsule anterior limb, superiorly and under the superior limiting sulcus there are the rest of the anterior limb fibers, and the knee and posterior limb fibers that harbors the corticonuclear and the corticospinal tracts, and inferiorly and under the insular inferior limiting sulcus there are the sub- and the retrolentiform internal capsule fibers that enclose the auditory and the optic radiations. laterally the central core is composed by the insular surface that resembles a shield of the main cerebral subcortical structures. the options of microneurosurgical approaches to the central core related lesions should consider particularly their relationships with the thalamus and with the internal capsule fibers.
Inova??o tecnológica na agricultura organica: estudo de caso da certifica??o do processamento pós-colheita
Mazzoleni, Eduardo Mello;Oliveira, Luiz Guilherme de;
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-20032010000300004
Abstract: the technology used in organic farming and post-harvest processing is contributing to the development of production standards that are quite different from those of modern agriculture. the desire of consumers to acquire food that does not endanger their health is changing the market; and organic products are coming to be preferred and valued by a growing segment of the population. in not using chemical products, organic farming returns to and renews traditional farming concepts by means of knowledge-intensive technological innovations. the objective of the case study reported here was to investigate innovations in the post-harvest processing of organic produce on a farm in the central-western region of brazil. the innovation process was driven by certification requirements, specifically those dealing with minimal processing and packaging. the article addresses the historic characteristics of innovation in agriculture, the difficulties of investment in technologies in organic farming and the competitiveness of the present market. the study was conducted through a series of interviews. results demonstrate that the modifications in internal routines and the adoption of technical standards induced by the certification process were responsible for the innovations, permitting the production of high-standard organic produce for the market.
Guilherme Ribeiro,Leandro Dias de Oliveira
Revista Tamoios , 2009,
Abstract: O ordenamento territorial pode ser definido como toda e qualquer estratégia, a o ou movimento cuja manifesta o prática-empírica resulte numa consequência territorial, mesmo que tal consequência n o modifique concretamente / materialmente o espa o geográfico. Ao contrário do olhar que entende o ordenamento territorial como um processo eminentemente hegem nico, através de um esfor o interpretativo-teórico inspirado pelas cidades de Cabo Frio e Volta Redonda, apontaremos as possibilidades políticas contidas no des-ordenamento territorial.
Illuminating anthracycline cardiotoxicity: the renaissance of evidence-based onco-cardiology
Guilherme H. Oliveira,Isaac B. Rhea
- , 2015, DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.07.16
Abstract: Anthracyclines are potent anti-cancer agents known to cause cardiotoxicity and heart failure since the 1970s (1). For patients that have managed to survive cancer, heart failure from the chemotherapy that saved them can be a cruel and deadly irony. Despite decades of research, anthracycline cardiotoxicity remains an incompletely understood disease, with the most widely accepted concepts summarized as follows: it is dose dependent with doses less than 400-450 mg/m2 thought to be generally safer (2); it can occur very early or very late after exposure (3); and it exemplifies Type 1 cardiotoxicity and is therefore irreversible (4). These notions, acquired over the past five and a half decades, have arisen from retrospective observational studies that have been either too small or too confounded to serve as solid evidence. In addition, many questions have remained unanswered because of the surprisingly complex nature of the disease, inconsistent definitions of cardiotoxicity, evolving technologies used to assess it, lack of large prospective studies, and an historic paucity of interaction between cardiologists and oncologists. As a result, the many published consensus and position statements from different societies are based on soft scientific evidence and thereby met with skepticism (5-7). Not surprisingly, there is great inconsistency in the care of these patients, by oncologists and cardiologists alike, and cardiotoxicity surveillance and practices vary widely among institutions
The Spreading Depression Propagation: How Electrochemical Patterns Distort or Create Perception  [PDF]
Vera Maura Fernandes de Lima, Alfredo Pereira Junior, Guilherme Lima de Oliveira
Open Journal of Biophysics (OJBIPHY) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojbiphy.2021.112003
Abstract: At the transition from quiescence to propagating waves recorded in isolated retinas, a circular electric current closes in the extracellular matrix; this circular current creates a magnetic torus flow that, when entering quiescent tissue in front of the wave, recruits elements and when leaving behind, helps to build the absolute refractory state. The waving magnetic torus is the consequence of the vortex effect and explains the energy boost that drives propagation. Methods: We interpret experimental results from intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence dyes, voltage, calcium and pH sensitive, optical signals from isolated retinas, and time series recordings using ion exchange resins: Ca, K, pH, Na, Cl recorded extracellularly at retinas, cerebellums and cortices coupled to spreading depression waves. Finally, we checked the ECoG activity, also a time series, at the transition from after discharges to spreading depression in rat hippocampus. Results: The integrated assessment of the diversified measurements led to the realization that the magnetic flow at the wavefront is a major contributor to the wave propagation mechanisms. This flow couples mass and charge flows as a swirling torus from excited to quiescent tissue. Conclusions: An alternative model of the brain is possible, apart from the classical HH and molecular biology model. Physical chemistry of charged gels and its flows explains the results. The conceptual framework uses far from equilibrium thermodynamics.

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